Future Food Exploration – Green Roof

As part of the Future Food Exploration, I worked on a project to plan the installation of a green roof on the Visitor Information Palace (VIP) at Liger. The purpose of building a green roof on this container building is for decoration and reduction of temperature. By implementing green roof, people can save a lot of money. The plants can block direct sunlight from affecting the roof, which means people don’t have to replace the roof so often and pay for fixing the roof. The plants make the building cooler, causing people to use less power and pay less for electricity.

I would say we are one of the first Cambodians to do this project and there’s no reference on how to do this. It was a big challenge to find materials to use for our green roof. The existing materials used for the green roof are available in other countries and it would be costly to import it to Cambodia. We needed to be creative to find alternative materials that are available in Cambodia and cheap. Currently, we have the first prototype to test if the materials work. 

Layers of our green roof with their materials
Prototype of our green roof

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