Women in STEM | Rachel Carson

Women in the STEM fields are usually ignored, and it is very important that we acknowledge them as we approach gender equity. As we heavily studied gender equity this term, in physics class, each of us researched about a woman in STEM of our choice. I chose to research about the influential Rachel Carson. Find out more about her with my writing below!

Silent Spring, the environmental science book about the negative effects of pesticide, was published on 27 September 1962. Rachel Louise Carson was the author of this book, and many other famous ones including The Sea Around , The Edge of the Sea, and Under the Sea Wind.

Carson was meant to be a writer; she started writing at a young age and won her first prize when she wrote her story for the St. Nicholas Magazine at the age of 11. As a teenager, she attended the Parnassus High School, and proceeded to Pennsylvania College for Women (Chatham University). With full scholarship, she shifted her major from English to Biology.

After succeeding University, Carson began her teaching career. In 1930, She taught zoology at Johns Hopkins Summer School. Later on in 1931 to 1932, she taught at the Dental and Pharmacy School, University of Maryland. She aimed to pursue PhD at Hopkins Marine Biology, but due to lack of finance during the Great Depression, she abandoned school.

To earn financial support for her family, Carson wrote 52 radio programs for the series “Romance Under the Waters.” In 1936. She was employed by the Bureau of Fisheries in the Department of Commerce as a junior aquatic biologist. At the same time, she started freelance writing and earn minor income.

Between mid 1930 to early 1940s, Carson has written articles and a book. In September 1937, she published her article “Undersea” in Atlantic Monthly. In between 1938 to 1939, she worked on her book Under the Sea-Wind. In the following years, Carson had written many papers and articles to many publishers, some of which are turned down.

In 1958, she started her book Silent Spring. This particular book was inspired by her friends from Duxbury, Massachusetts. This friend wrote a letter to The Boston Herald regarding the concern of bird dying because of pesticide spraying. She sent a copy of the letter to Carson.

Silent Spring took four years to complete. It included examples of adverse effects of DDT on the environment. Rachel Carson criticized the United States Department of Agriculture for spraying pesticide to kill fire ants. She stated they didn’t consider the negative effects it has on the environment. This book is a big accomplishment for her as well as the environment of the US. The government banned DDT because of her book. In addition, the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency was because of Silent Spring. On August 1962, this book was recognized by President John F Kennedy in his speech.

At the age of 57, Rachel Louise Carson passed away due to breast cancer.






A Tour at the Traumatic S-21


A high school, where education sparked, had been turned into a brutal place that killed 14,000 thousand intellectuals. 

Toul Svay Prey was the name of the high school. In 1976, the Khmer Rouge mad it the prison S-21. People from many backgrounds, such as doctors, artists, lawyers and even foreigners, entered this harsh site, and only seven survived. Those innocent citizens were punished by the worst mediums we can think of. Their wrists were locked in place and they were beaten until the young soldiers got the answers they want during interrogations. 

I’ve learned about the Khmer Rouge genocide and have heard many tragic stories, and going to the S-21 genocide museum was a very powerful experience that compliments my knowledge about the event. 

I toured the museum with a quality audio device, which made the experience even more memorable.  The buildings looked like typical Cambodia high school buildings, but the tools and the voice of the man in Khmer painted a picture of cruelty and tragic that the victims went through. Besides the sound, the museum had worked so hard to collect documents and photographs to display. 

In my opinion, and I believe many other’s, S-21 should be a place that every Cambodian student should visit. It’s a place that taught us about an event about devastating even of our history, and we should learn about it to avoid the trauma from occurring again. 

A classroom that’s turned into the victims torturing bedroom
The classroom had been divided into cells for the victims


In the middle of the museum, there’s a memorial place where all the victims’ names are written down on the marble tops

Source: http://www.killingfieldsmuseum.com/s21-victims.html


Gender Summit 2018

I believe that change can start with a small action, such as conversation. 

On the 27th and 28th of January, my team of 12 hosted an event called Gender Summit for about 100 high school students from both international schools and local schools. The goal was to encourage dialogues regarding gender issues. Our team realized that gender is not a common topic that Cambodian people talk about, so the first step of change is to enforce more dialogues about the issue. 

The event encompassed four main sessions: power, culture, language, and economics. I was a session leader in the latter session. In that section, I introduced the idea of how advertisement influences our thought about gender roles in the society. Companies advertise their products for female and male separately with a few differences, mainly the color along with a description that describes femininity and masculinity. We should take control of ourselves and buy products that we need and like, regardless of who can use it according to the advertisements.

A fun activity that was part of my session was called Atomic Circle. The goal of this activity was sharing with each other about personal ideas on certain statements. An example of a statement is, “all women are naturally better caretakers than men.” Many people agreed that this idea is true because that’s what they’ve seen in the society. What they didn’t realize was that most people have taught girls to be more caring than boys and it seems like this is natural, but it’s not. 

It wasn’t easy preparing a lesson for other people. It wasn’t easy to get them to talk or generate ideas. There are also times when they said something that didn’t seem right to me, even though there are no specific right or wrong ideas on this topic. Sometimes, it’s hard to stop the conversation when people say something that we don’t agree with. What I’ve learned is that if we want to change how people perceive something, we should enforce questions for them to answer (Socratic method), so that they will think about the idea in a different angle. 

Everyone who attend the event on the 27th




Paññāsāstra University Gender Course

My Gender Equity Exploration got a chance to discuss with university students about a topic that’s not common for Cambodians, gender equity. 

The workshop went very well. It was a great opportunity for us to open our mind to look at others’ perspective outside of Liger. It surprised me that university students who are studying gender still have some gender stereotype in their mindset. For instance, some of them view crying as a weak and feminine characteristic. This just shows how much work needs to be done in order to shape people’s view of gender, particularly Cambodians’ view. This just made me think how successful our summit will be in term of raising awareness to Cambodians about those stereotypes.


What Does a REAL Man Mean to You?

In literacy class, we had a project to write an article about any topic ralating to gender equity. My article include different perspectives of female on what a real man should be like.

When we think of a man, we often think of masculinity. But are all men masculine? Or do they need to be masculine?

That’s the way many men think about how they should be. This is not necessarily what girls and women think.

I asked a question to several females I know, ranging from Asians to Westerns, and from 15-year-old teenagers to a 30-year-old woman. The question is “What does a real man mean to you?”

Very little of the responses claimed a man needs to be strong! In fact, many think a real man is much more than just their appearance.

“If a person identifies himself as a man, he’s a real man,” Vornsar Ses, my close friend, mentioned. Similarly, Samantha Cody, a learning facilitator at Liger wrote to me, “I would say, my idea of a ‘real man’ is: a person who wants to be called a man. Pretty simple, but that’s about my only standard–you’re a “real man” if you identify as a man, nothing more required or expected of you.” The same idea is said by Cara Shelton, another learning facilitator, “… a real man must want to identify as a man.”

Some said to be a real man, you just need to exist!

“He should physically exist!” Sreynith Sam, another friend of mine, briefly said.

Despite those simple requirements, there are some characteristics an ideal man should have. Cara genuinely expressed, “there is not much more ‘real’ a man needs other than existing. However, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have certain ideas of an ideal man or “real man” in the colloquial sense.” She continued, “he sees and treats women as equals and acknowledges that the expectations and roles we all participate in are socially created and not natural because of our sex. He applies the traditions or practices of being a “gentleman” to all people and all manners of his life.”

Alice Dimitroulis, a teenage girl from Australia, indicated, “for me, a real man doesn’t necessarily have to do with physical appearance. I understand the term itself is sometimes used to challenge a man’s confidence, for example ‘you’re not a real man if you can’t lift those heavy weights.’” She went on to say that a real man should be honest with himself, doesn’t fall into peer pressure, doesn’t worry about being the best and doesn’t take offense when others say he’s not a real man. Likewise, Cara remarked, “A real man is not threatened by successful, powerful women.”

A Korean teenager, Soyeon Lee, responded that there are a few aspects of an ideal man, “for me, ‘real man’ is [someone] who is good at his own area such as debate, sports or math(ability), a warm hearted man(personality), and can be looked nice at least to me(appearance).” Comparably, one of my friends feels that a real man is someone that “people can depend on, learns from his mistakes, does what is necessary, could make people around him smile [and] respectful”

Respect and appreciation are also essential ingredients for a real man. Many said they should admire others around them, especially women. Sreynith believes a real man is “a man who respects women and does not humiliate them.” Another friend of mine commented, “He’s grown up and respectful. He should be a feminist, not going against anyone. He should be a wise man to be a real man.” Cara made a few other points about different aspects of appreciation, “a real man is not homophobic. A real man tries to avoid language that is offensive and stereotyped. A real man can appreciate and admire female beauty while also controlling himself and remaining loyal (if this has been decided in a relationship).”

I’ve been communicating other women’s perspective of men, but I haven’t revealed anything about my idea of a real man. An ideal man to me is all of the above. I know that a man can’t be all those things, so to me, the most important characteristic is that a real man is able to show his emotion when necessary. Even though many people consider this expression as weak, it’s not in my opinion. I clearly remember a statement and fell in love with it ever since. The statement was made by Arn Chorn pond, the founder of Cambodian Living Arts, and he said, “it takes a real man to cry.”

I’m clearly aware that different people have different views of what a real man is like. Our opinions on a real man might be different from those of our best friends, or parents and grandparents. There is no one definition of a real man. Everyone of us needs to acknowledge this fact and encourage men to be whoever they want, regardless if they fit in your definition of a real man.

Trip to SHE Investment

Typically, organizations tackle gender issues regarding women’s right and aspects related to that. SHE (Support Her Enterprise) investment tackle this problem in a different way. This newly opened organization support women who create their own micro business. According to Lida Loem, Programs Manager & Head Facilitator at SHE, 65% of businesses in Cambodia are owned by women but a lot of them are micro businesses. 

SHE investment believes that what they are doing is not a charity, it’s an investment. They trust that women have the ability to lead their own businesses with the help of mentors from SHE. 

The group of passionate people for SHE has helped 67 women with their business since 2015. Linda mentioned about a particular tailor who worked by herself before she worked with SHE. Now, she has several employees and is looking for a few more.

This small organization has made such a big impact on Cambodian women in such a short amount of time. I am looking forward to seeing SHE expanding their potential, and hoping they will reach one of their goals of establishing SHE in other countries. 

AP Statistic Response Practice

The AP Statistic exam is in about four months, so part of what we do in class is practicing writing response for the actual test. Below is a sample question and my response to it. (a). The scatter plot support the newspaper report that states the more semesters needed to complete an academic program, the greater the starting salary in the first job. The scatterplot shows a moderately positive linear association, meaning the more semesters needed to complete a program, the more starting salary earned.

(b). The slope of the least-squares regression line is 1.1594. This means for every additional of semester needed to complete a program, there will be an addition of about 11,000 euros to the starting salary.

(c). For the business majors, the scatterplot shows a strong negative and linear association between the number of semesters and starting salary. This means the more semesters needed to complete an academic program, the less the starting salary earned.

(d). The median starting salaries vary among the three majors. Business majors have the lowest median starting salaries in thousands (36-38), followed by physics majors (48-50). Chemistry majors have the highest median salaries in thousands (54-56).

(e). Based on the analysis of the independent researchers, the newspaper report could modify to say that within each major, the more semesters needed to complete an academic program, the lower the starting salary earned in the first job. The major with the highest starting salary is chemistry, followed by physics and then business.

LMRT Trip December 7th – 10th

This is the last trip of 2017! As I mentioned before, diving is less scary and more relaxing. During this trip, we practiced being neutrally buoyant and swimming in a proper position. One thing I’ve done better this time is consuming air. I used to breathe 100 bar of air in 30 minutes, but now I can breathe the same amount of air in about 45 minutes. 

I actually did a real survey for my last dive of the year! I did an invertebrate survey, which means counting organisms like urchins, gastropods and etc. There were not much to see since I wasn’t able to look into crevices and under corals and that’s what I need to work on to be successful at doing the survey. One fascinating thing I saw was a nudibranch. I saw the one that looks the same to that in the morning of the same day; it might be the same one.

Doing a survey is really fun because I have the chance to see many organisms closely and it feels good to be able to identify them!

An example of how a nudibranch looks like; this is not the one I saw while doing the survey
Before leaving the island for Phnom Penh



Future Food Exploration – Green Roof

As part of the Future Food Exploration, I worked on a project to plan the installation of a green roof on the Visitor Information Palace (VIP) at Liger. The purpose of building a green roof on this container building is for decoration and reduction of temperature. By implementing green roof, people can save a lot of money. The plants can block direct sunlight from affecting the roof, which means people don’t have to replace the roof so often and pay for fixing the roof. The plants make the building cooler, causing people to use less power and pay less for electricity.

I would say we are one of the first Cambodians to do this project and there’s no reference on how to do this. It was a big challenge to find materials to use for our green roof. The existing materials used for the green roof are available in other countries and it would be costly to import it to Cambodia. We needed to be creative to find alternative materials that are available in Cambodia and cheap. Currently, we have the first prototype to test if the materials work. 

Layers of our green roof with their materials
Prototype of our green roof

LMRT Trip November 16th – 19th

On this particular trip, we focused on doing the survey underwater. For the next three years, we’ll be doing underwater surveys, identifying species, for our projects. A key to doing survey underwater is being as slow as possible. We need to swim a speed of 5 meters every 3 minutes. It’s relaxing, but it’s not easy! Swimming at this speed is not typical and we need to focus on everything around us, making sure we see everything. I was too fast the first time we practiced doing it, but by the time I did my last dive of the month, I did a lot better, both with speed and my swimming position.  

Besides diving, I also snorkel when I had free time. It’s crazy to think that a year ago I was struggling with snorkeling and now I’m a diver! Now, I don’t even have to think intensely when snorkeling. 

The more I dive, the less scary diving is to me. I’m imagining back to when I first dive two months ago and it seemed so scary to me. I thought of it as a very intense activity. Now, I’m always excited to go underwater with the equipment on my body and ready to explore the underwater world!

We got really lucky this time to see many seahorses
While snorkeling, the spine of this spiky guy, diadema urchin, poked into my knee!